Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, David Rovics July 22, 2020

Welcome back to Gorilla Radio’s continuing efforts, NOT broadcast live from CFUV Radio in the basement of the Student Union Building at the University of Victoria, but emanating live-to-tape via Skype from our home-based … studios on this date, July 22nd, 2020.

Federal troops are in Portland. Nearly two months in to daily police brutality demonstrations there, the president decided to deploy the “Minneapolis” treatment; or as Attorney General, Bill Barr calls it, the “Occupy Model”. And there are other cities slated to receive the same.
Itinerant musician and now covid-caged broadcaster, David Rovics is in Portland, where his relatively mild-mannered home city has suddenly become the center of Civil War 2.020. As he can’t tour, David is doing the next best thing, raising Hell on the internet, and helping foment a Renters strike.

David Rovics and tearing down community in Portland.